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Published on Sep 11, 2024

Learn The Don’ts Of Your Wedding Reception Decor

A lot of preparation goes into getting your wedding day done right. You have sent all the invites, the venue is decided, and now the main game is the decorations. We have seen weddings where people have overdone the decorations and a few where the decorations were not up to the mark. With Emily’s Banquet Hall you do not have to worry about anything. We have a team of professionals who are ready to guide you with any problem that you may face. You can not just leave the whole onus on the decorates because a very big what-if remains constant. Wedding decorations are not as easy as you may think, they take every bit of your time and energy to get everything right. Wedding decor is an art and shall be treated as such. There is no need for you to decorate every nook and corner of the venue. Instead, play smart and keep your theme minimalistic.

In the hustle and bustle of the wedding, it is possible to make a few wrong decisions. Do not worry, they are not going to ruin your wedding in any way. Make it a rule of thumb to not rush any decision that you make for your wedding day. Give it proper thought and time only then will you love it on D-day.

Say No To Clutter

Evolve with time and stick to the notion that less is more. Do not consider putting three centerpieces on one table, where will people eat? Avoid going overboard with the decorations. We understand that you are very excited about your wedding and will want to do everything but trust us it will look very tacky.

Do Not Match Everything

Contrast makes everything better. Avoid making everything of the same color. It will add zero dimension to the venue. Instead, opt for pastel colors and a darker color to contrast it with. This will add a lot of depth to your venue. While it is necessary to stick to the theme and colors doing too much will make it look very shabby. Give it a proper thought and choose the color that tells your story.

Do Not Overdo The Flowers

No wedding is complete without flowers but our goal is not to make a garden. We have seen couples add so many flowers at the venue that it looks like a flower shop. Sit with your decorator and pick flowers that compliment the color you have chosen for your drapings. Make sure the flower arrangements look aesthetic and not a mix of every color.

But at the end of the day, it is your wedding and you deserve a grand and royal wedding. Do what pleases you and your partner. Keep it your mind and be open to constructive criticism. Listen and take advice from your loved ones as they will only want the best for you. If you have any queries our team is always at your disposal to sort it out.